

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Chapter 2

There are different types of e-learning to create learning content or experiences. There are learner-led, facilitated, instructor-led, embedded, telemonitoring and e-coaching. The areas that I can relate to the most is the embedded
e-learning. I tend to use the help menu with various programs that I use throughout the day to assist me with any issues that I might have with a particular program. I use this often in Photoshop Elements. I am learning this program as well as introducing it to my students. Sometimes the students have a question of how to do something and I use the help bar for reference. We (my student and I) look at the help menu together and if we find the answerer we practice together and learn together. I find the help menus very easy to use in most programs. I am familiar with instructor led e-learning..but have not had to opportunity to take a class. I find it interesting that the instructor is not actually in the classroom...the distance thing is kind of strange. But the benefit is that you can take the class from anywhere in the world. The benefit is more of convenience.

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