

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Chapter 7

Media players are used to have then learner experience more than a web browser. Media players are sometimes within the web browser. Media players are devices/software that enable the viewer/browser to listen to audio or watch video. As well as the combination of both. There are many different types that you can use, this might depend on a personal preference or what your computer is compatible with. I use Itunes almost every day to download or listen to music files. I prefer not to download or watch videos at this time it uses to much space on my Ipod. I enjoy listening to music while surfing or blogging. I find myself becoming more and more of a multitasker while using the computer. I also use Windows media player and You Tube(adobe flash) to borrow commercials to show my video students. I think that I will start using more video examples from these sources to share with my students. It is to the commercials off the computer, it takes me more time to record them to tape or DVD at home.

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